Friday, July 22, 2016

Shikoku Autumn 2014 四国秋季之旅 - Yayoi Kusama's Red and Yellow Pumpkin 赤いかポチャ、黄色カボチャ

Visited 14.11.2014 (Fri)

Red Pumpkin 赤いかポチャ

The most widely publicised art piece on Naoshima has got to be Yayoi Kusama's famous interpretation of pumpkins. These pumpkins which are covered with black polka dots, a motif commonly seen in her artworks, have been replicated and displayed in numerous places in Japan. In Naoshima, you can find two pumpkins donned in red and yellow colours respectively. The first one, red pumpkin, can be identified easily upon reaching Marine Station. The red pumpkin is more plump than the yellow and visitors can enter this gigantic pumpkin through a huge hole, which is often mistaken as a large polka dot when seen afar. Apart from being an artwork, this is also a playground for kids, where they can hide inside the pumpkin or put their heads and hands out from the smaller holes.


How to get there?

Located just beside Miyanoura Port - Marine Station.


Yellow Pumpkin 黄色カボチャ

Photos containing the yellow pumpkin never fail to pop out when I search for information regarding Naoshima online. I can say that this yellow pumpkin is already analogous to this island. The location where the iconic yellow pumpkin is situated makes this the most popular photo-taking companion on Naoshima. It sits on the end of a concrete platform which juts out from the beach (just like a jetty). The contrast of the bright yellow colour of pumpkin against its panoramic surroundings which is free from manmade obstructions, brings out its presence and prominence further. Not sure whether anyone has the same feeling as well; while admiring this silent pumpkin, a subtle sense of loneliness crept onto me unknowingly and I wanted to give it a good hug when I stood beside it.


How to get there?

Board the Naoshima Town Bus from Marine Station and alight at the last stop, Tsutsukji-so つつじ荘.

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